Too much water?
Did you know that it is possible to drink too much water? Did you know that you can get "drunk" off of water? What?! How?! Well, that's not exactly what it is. There's a *very* rare thing that happens when you drink too much water too quickly. It gives you a feeling of intoxication or you may even experience the same symptoms as heat stroke and exhaustion! Sounds crazy, right? It is. This really only happens to those who drink liters upon liters of water in one sitting, so it's really not too easy to do. What's really going on is something called hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is really talking about your sodium levels. When you drink too much water far too quickly your body is basically drowning out any sodium you might have. It's kind of the same concept of when you're bloated, that means that you're retaining too much sodium, so you drink lots of water to even it out. Except much, much more extreme. When there isn't enough sodium in your...