Ananda Balasana

Ananda Balasana or more commonly (and easier to pronounce) Happy Baby pose!

This pose is not only a personal favorite for the name, but also for how it opens up the hips and provides a deeper stretch. This light-hearted stretch promotes stretching of the lower spine and inner thigh area. It is a wonderful pose for those suffering from cramps, endometriosis, or general lower back pain.

This pose, however, should not be done by those with neck or knee problems or those who are pregnant. It can put too much stress on the neck or lower back area and cause more discomfort.

This is how the pose is done:

First you'll lay on the ground, yoga mat, or even in your bed.

Then: You'll inhale and bring your knees to your belly.

Then: You'll exhale and grab the sides of your feet. If you're having trouble reaching your feet you can use yoga bands to help you out! After that you'll want to push out with your feet to create resistance.

Always remember with every yoga pose that your breathing is extremely important! Not only will breathing correctly help you get a better stretch, but it'll also keep you from hurting yourself! If you feel that you're stretching too far it's also very important to back off, yoga is not a race or a contest to see who is more flexible. Do everything at your own pace!

Check out this YouTube video if you need more help getting into the pose!


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