
Emeralds! The birthstone of May!

What makes these stones so special?

For starters emeralds are one of the rarest stones! These rich, green beauties are most often mined in Brazil, Colombia, Afghanistan, and Zambia. It's beautiful green color has been loved for many years as the embodiment of Spring itself or even as a city completely made of the gemstone.

The Wizard of Oz wasn't the only one to appreciate this stone though! These stones were originally mined from Egypt as early as 300 B.C. They even made their appearance as jewelry in ancient Greece! These stones were so popular in the ancient world that they were even brought across the sea when the Spanish came to South America. Being so beloved, these stones were seen as the protection of the Gods to the nobility of India.

However they weren't just used for jewelry, these stones are known for their powers of curing disease and protection from evil itself. As a symbol of the Goddess Venus this stone is said to grant the wearer the power to know the truth and see the future! It's association with Venus also brings with it the means of romance and unconditional love.

In all its association with love, truth, and protection actually makes it a pretty fitting stone to build a whole city housing the "Great Wizard." People have traveled far and wide for centuries to find this beautiful and powerful stone. So, when visiting loved ones for their birthday this month be sure to  remind them of the power and grace of their birthstone.


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