
Aquamarine! The birthstone of March!

This beautiful stone can range from seafoam green to a very pale blue. The name meaning "water of the sea" is the perfect stone for your Pisces friends as it is just as delicate and wonderful as they are. I'm not biased towards Pisces or those who share my birth month of March or anything like that... Let's get started!

This stone is a variant of the Beryl stone, sharing its roots with other stones such as Emerald and Morganite. The greenish hues of Aquamarine come from its relation to Emeralds, although that can be removed when exposed to extreme heat. By transforming the stone with heat you get that beautiful baby blue, almost diamond looking color that everyone loves.

This stone also has its fair share of healing properties. Being associated with the Throat Chakra, this stone represents verbal self-expression, on the same hand it is also used to enhance your spiritual communication and clearing the blockages in that area. Aquamarines are also called "The Stone of Courage and Protection" inspiring truth, trust, and letting go while also being calming and cleansing. The stories go that Aquamarines were the treasures of the mermaids, being given to sailors for courage and protection while out on the open waters.

This stone mirrors its zodiac signs in ways I don't believe others do. Being a direct embodiment of the sea, while reflecting on its surface the heavens above this stone emits a compassionate energy from the Pisces while encouraging self-discipline from the side of the Aries. The energies from this stone, and the zodiacs it contains, its a direct ebb and flow in itself. The calm of the sea from the Pisces and the wild storms from the Aries. Bringing a sense of compromise and negotiation this stone pushes and pulls its own tides to find the ideological sense of justice that the Pisces always tries to maintain, while actually being able to enforce those judgments in the way of the Aries.

This stone is a beautiful mix of two of the most contradicting zodiac signs, but it comes together in ways that make up for what each sign is lacking. Pisces tend to be very soft spoken, gentle, and one might say "stuck in the clouds." You might even call someone that represents this sign "shy." Aries on the other hand is the storm. This sign tends to be very outgoing, forceful, and even rebellious. These two water signs embody the perfect mix for a stone that encourages openness and truth while at the same time making sure the wearer is true to themselves.


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