Sports/ Electrolyte Drinks

Are those delicious sports drinks good for you? In the words of Rhett and Link from "Good Mythical Morning:" Let's talk about that!

This is going to be a good ole' pro and cons list, starting with the pros.

First of all...They are delicious. I think that's just plain and simple, they're designed to taste good so you drink more!

Secondly, they provide a good source of fluids for when you need it most. During sports and exercise your body loses a lot of water through sweat and it's important to replenish that!

Then we have the fact that it's just a nice change from regular water. I can't tell you how many people I've heard say "I just don't like the taste of plain water!"

After that, these electrolyte drinks are full of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates mean energy, and in the case of sports drinks that means you can exercise or play your game longer!

Let's get on to the cons.

First off, these drinks tend to be full of sugar. While sugar aids in giving you energy, it also makes these drinks much less healthy.

Secondly, the amounts of both sugars and the sodium that the electrolytes come from tend to actually break down the enamel of the teeth.

The third thing that one may or may not be considered a con, these drinks tend to contain caffeine. This can be either a good or bad thing depending on what you're drinking them for. They are good for giving you energy, although it can be harmful for those sensitive to caffeine or woman who are pregnant.

Lastly, and quite possibly the worst is the fact that a lot of people tend to use these drinks as a replacement for water. This is when it starts to get unhealthy because water is so important to for our bodies. This is also why experts say that sports drinks and electrolyte replacements are used in a healthy way for less than 1% of people that use them.

So, in conclusion, it seems like these drinks are just like many other tasty snacks and drinks. Healthy in moderation. As long as you don't use them as a replacement for water or drink them all day long, you'll be in the clear!


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