Water! Flavored or Not?

Pros and Cons of flavored water!

Is flavored water good for you?

Well, it depends. Again like most things about our bodies it's kind of complicated!

What does it depend on?

What is it flavored with? Is there added sugar? Is it carbonated?

What your water is flavored with plays a HUGE part of if it's actually healthy for you or not. There are many people that love putting different fruits, vegetables, or even herbs in their water! Those can be very good for you in terms of getting your vital vitamins and minerals along with some natural sugar to give you that little pick-me-up! However, there are many flavored waters that use artificial ingredients in their flavorings. What does that mean? Chemicals. While if we're speaking technically everything has a chemical make-up, there is a major difference between natural chemicals and those that are artificially created. If your store-bought water is naturally flavored it will be much better for you, but it's good to keep in mind that even with natural flavorings there needs to be some sort of preservative.

Let's talk about added sugar. Adding different fruits and vegetables in your water is going to be "adding sugar" because of the natural sugars in those plants themselves. (This goes back to that natural vs. artificial chemical that I was talking about in the last paragraph.) The way your body breaks down and metabolizes natural sugars is vastly different that how it works with artificial sugars. The more you can trade out natural sugars for those artificial ones is really going to help you decide how "good" it is for you.

The next one is a big one for me personally. Carbonation! I know, it's a lot more fun and it almost tricks your brain into thinking it's a delicious cola. However, the carbonation (along with lots of sugar) is what really breaks down the enamel of your teeth. Keep in mind that carbonation is the addition of gas into your drinks. That doesn't necessarily make it "bad" for you, but it definitely doesn't help those pearly whites!

So, is flavored water good for you? Well, that's all up to you! Flavor your water with good, healthy things and the answer is a pretty solid "Yes!" Buying those cans of La Croix may not be as good as you had hoped.


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