Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

It's time for...…. Tasty Tuesday! Every Tuesday we will be talking about the pros, the cons, and lots of information about different diets out there! There are a lot to chose from, ranging from short-term diet plans to full force lifestyle changes! Today we're talking about Intermittent Fasting!

Intermittent Fasting is where you chose a certain period of time to eat and a certain period of time to fast. The most common that people chose is the 16:8 method. It is a 16 hour fast and an 8 hour feast. The fasting and feasting period will really depend on person to person, but the whole idea is to start burning fat for energy. The way this differs from other types of fasting is commonly in other fasts, while you do tend to lose weight, it is usually muscle mass instead of fat. With giving yourself a set eating period your body will remember when it gets to eat and you'll avoid that "starvation period" where your body breaks down muscles for energy. Instead you'll start burning fat more quickly. 

Some side effects at the beginning of Intermittent Fasting are headaches, bloating, caffeine-dependency, and reduced energy. These tend to go away once your body acclimates to the routine. Some benefits include weight loss, improved blood sugar, and reduction of inflammation. This diet plan can be especially helpful for those with diabetes! 

This is the kind of diet that you need to play with. Try changing the times of day that you eat, or how long you fast. Although keep in mind that most people don't actually enter their fasting period until about 12 hours after their last meal. Once again though, that will differ from person to person! This is even the kind of plan that you can stick with long-term without many -if any- negative effects!

Things that will break a fast include coffee with cream, drinks with sugar (even Zero Calorie drinks), any solid foods, or pretty much anything with a calorie count. Also keep in mind during this time that even packaged foods labeled as "Zero Calorie" will break a fast as they can contain up to 5 calories as a rule set by the FDA. Try sticking to black coffees, unsweetened tea, or just plain water. As for any diet, unsweetened green tea will be your best friend as it is a natural source of caffeine and has shown to help burn fat!

For our first Tasty Tuesday I wanted to talk about something that I not only have done plenty of research about, but also something that I have tried myself. I am about a month into trying it out and I can attest for how well it works! Along with being mindful about the food I'm eating and regular exercise I am feeling more energized, stronger, and I'm even down about 10 pounds without having to restrict what I eat or counting calories!


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