Are you drinking enough water?

Are you drinking enough water?

It's time for...… Water Wednesday!

Are you drinking enough water? Find out today!

Did you know that the old belief of "8 glasses of water a day" is pretty outdated? Now it's not so "one size fits all." What doctors and leading experts say is that you should be drinking 50-100% of your body weight in ounces of water every single day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, then you should be drinking 75-150 ounces of water DAILY!

I know what you're thinking- That's a LOT of water! And you're right, it is. Although, you have to think that your body is roughly 75% water. Every single important bodily function uses water in some way! However, there are ways to make that number seem a little less intimidating!

There are so many apps that can track your water intake. Two of my favorites are my handy-dandy Fitbit and one called "Plant Nanny" that helps you grow and care for a virtual plant using the number of ounces you drink as encouragement! 

Another one of my favorite ways to track my water is to carry around a water bottle. If you've been in the store lately then you have seen my Starbucks Venti size tumbler. I carry that thing with me everywhere I go. It comes to work, it goes to the gym, it sits next to my bed at night, I'm talking EVERYWHERE. The reason for that is because not only is it environmentally friendly to have a reusable cup, but I know exactly how many ounces I'm drinking. To me, that's half the battle, just knowing exactly how much I'm drinking and having it readily available to me. 

So, next time you're at your favorite store, take a look at their water bottle and tumbler section. You might just be making a decision that'll last you a lifetime!


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